Water is a precious commodity. Therefore, the deployment should be well thought-out and sustainable. The experts of ANWT are behind this statement.
The result:
OTTO O.A.S.E. ist ein neuartiges Bodengranulat. Es besteht aus einer Kombination unterschiedlicher getrockneter Pflanzenfasern, wasseradsorbierenden Bodenmineralien und speziell für die Landwirtschaft entwickelten Superabsorbern (SAP). Diese Komponenten werden mittels eines patentierten Verfahrens zu festen, streufähigen Granulaten kompaktiert.
What is OTTO O.A.S.E.?
OTTO O.A.S.E. Is a granulated organic mineral soil aid that improves root and plant growth by optimizing the water balance and additional nutrient supply.
OTTO O.A.S.E. Is an innovative soil granules. (SAP). It is a combination of different dried plant fibers, water adsorbing soil minerals, These components can be compacted using a patent-pending process to firm, spreadable granules.
Technical data sheet OTTO O.A.S.E. Security data OTTO O.A.S.E. Scientific. Publication
How does OTTO O.A.S.E.?
The granules incorporated into the soil act as small, often rechargeable water deposits. The amount of water required by plants is available on demand. The natural main and trace nutrients and the organic components of the granules contribute to the soil fertility and to the optimization of the soil structure. The ecosystem of the soil is stabilized. This double-action mechanism of OTTO O.A.S.E. Promotes healthy plant growth. In addition, the yield potentials of many plants can be better utilized.
Where is OTTO O.A.S.E. used?
OTTO O.A.S.E. can be used on all sites. It can be used wherever the water storage capacity of the soil is to be increased. This applies to lawns and beds in domestic gardens as well as to lawns of sports facilities, vegetable growing of farms or large horticulture.
Advantages of OTTO O.A.S.E.
It offers particular advantages in regions with low and irregular rainfall and long dry periods. OTTO O.A.S.E. convincing everywhere where irrigation measures are expensive or difficult and high cost of water or a limited water availability limit farming activities. The product can be used for all plant - and cultural activities in the areas of landscaping, vegetable, ornamental plants and fruit, as well as in the agriculture and forestry. OTTO O.A.S.E. can be applied as a dry litter capable granules by hand or with any commercially available spreader or soil injection device (E.g. by MTM Spindler & Schmid GmbH, www.mtm-spindler-gmbh.com). After dispensing, the granules into the ground near the root zone must be incorporated. In addition, OTTO O.A.S.E. can be mixed with other soil additives, organic vegetable fertilizers and soil substrates.
Water storage granules save costs
OTTO O.A.S.E. ist ein Wasserspeicher für Pflanzen, der die Wasserspeicherkapazität von Böden verbessert. Er besitzt die Fähigkeit, das bis zu 30-fache seines Eigengewichts an Wasser zu speichern. Das auf diese Weise gespeicherte Wasser steht der Pflanze bei Bedarf zur Aufnahme zur Verfügung. Dadurch können längere Trockenstress-Perioden bewältigt werden. OTTO O.A.S.E. steigert die Wasser-Nutzen-Effizienz (Einsparung von bis zu 50% an Bewässerungswasser)
Improving soil structure - soil loosening
OTTO O.A.S.E in the ground comes into contact, with water then this will absorb, stores it and thereby gaining volume. Again, this is reduced when the water supply to the plant. This process achieves a loosening of soil.
Improvement of soil fertility
In addition, contains important natural nutrients OTTO O.A.S.E. due to its high content of plant mass and contributes to soil fertility. Also increases the activity of useful microbial processes in the soil.
OTTO O.A.S.E. is free from weed seeds and completely safe for the environment. Also, OTTO O.A.S.E. is free of toxic substances from compost or animal waste products.
Registration available
The OTTO O.A.S.E. ground granulate is approved as a soil additive under European Fertilizer regulation.
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